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  7. Critical Chain 2023 Conference - Boost the Engineering to Order with the Critical Chain

Critical Chain 2023 Conference - Boost the Engineering to Order with the Critical Chain

Presentation of Critical Chain Project Management in different sectors.

This conference delivered in April 2023 at the annual Critical Chain International Conferences, Etienne Lecerf a Managing Consultant at Marris Consulting who has 7 years of consulting experience, presents “How the Critical Chain boosts the Engineering to Order Companies”.


Etienne commenced by providing a comprehensive overview of Engineering to Order, elucidating the common challenges that often arise in product development, and emphasizing the significance of agility and reliability in this context.


Drawing from his experience, Etienne shed light on the adverse implications arising from internal departmental disruptions.

Such as giving incomplete informationrushed work processes, and ever-changing priorities, leading to poor multitasking and frequent task-switching.


Etienne concludes his presentation by introducing the Critical Chain methodology and elaborated on its systematic implementation, highlighting the utility of the Fever Chart visualization tool in prioritizing projects effectively.


Finalizing with 2 different case studies.




Discover the description of the methodology